Andreas Kiebler, Auvesy-MDT
Andreas Kiebler, Auvesy-MDT
Bild: ©Eisenhans/
Dr. Thomas Holm, Salz Automation
Dr. Thomas Holm, Salz Automation
Lena Weirauch, Aiomatic Solutions Erfolgreiches Predictive Maintenance mit KI um Maschinen
Lena Weirauch, Aiomatic Solutions Erfolgreiches Predictive Maintenance mit KI um Maschinen
Jannis Doppmeier, Beckhoff Code-Erzeugung & Engineering Workflow Optimierung
Jannis Doppmeier, Beckhoff Code-Erzeugung & Engineering Workflow Optimierung
Bild: ©Surasak/
2:00 PM (CET)
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
What trends can be expected for machine vision cameras in the future? The webinar will present new high-speed interfaces and camera technologies for machine vision applications.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
Emergent Vision Technologies Inc
Performance Cameras, Software, and Systems for AI and Machine Learning Applications
Advantech &
Smart Cameras
Lucid Vision Labs GmbH
RDMA Technology & Event-Based Imaging
Bild: ©Aleksandr Mateev/
11:00 AM (CET)
TeDo Verlag
Verpackungsmaschinen aus Deutschland sind weltweit gefragt. Sie zeichnen sich durch Innovation, Leistungsfähigkeit und eine hohe Verfügbarkeit aus. Die eingesetzte Automatisierungstechnik ist ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor. Das Webinar beschreibt aktuelle Technologieentwicklungen der Branche und zeigt, wie der Weg in eine weiterhin erfolgreiche Zukunft bei sich verändernden Märkten aussehen kann.
TeDo Verlag
Packaging Valley
Keynote: Zukunft der Märkte - Zunehmender Wettbewerb aus Asien
Heitec AG
Steuerungs- und Antriebstechnik
Rotzinger Pharma
Stellenwert der Robotik und IBV im Verpackungsmaschinenbau
Helmholz GmbH & Co. KG
Konzepte und Lösungen für Remote-Control und Service
Nachhaltiges Anlagendesign durch neue Wege im Engineering
Actimage GmbH
Einsatz von KI im Verpackungsmaschinenbau
PackPart GmbH
Neue (nachhaltige) Geschäftsmodelle; Vertriebswege
Bild: ©idea_studio/
2:00 PM (CET)
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
The inspection of surfaces using machine vision or 2D/3D metrology has made great progress in recent years. The webinar will show which applications are now possible and which technologies are being used.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
AT Automation Technology
3D Sensors for Every Budget
EasySpotDetector: Advanced surface inspection for battery, paper, film, glass industries
Eines Vision Systems
Quality Control Solutions for the whole automotive manufacturing process
Bild: ©Ashwini/
2:00 PM (CET)
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
Optics and lenses are a special discipline of machine vision. Only those who are well versed in this field are in a position to get the maximum out of their application. This webinar provides help in choosing the right lens, explaining the latest products and giving numerous basic tips.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
Vision & Control GmbH
Lenses for special applications
Framos GmbH
Optimizing Optical Performance in Embedded Vision: Navigating Environmental Challenges
Optotune AG
Liquid Lenses for Compact, Fast, and Reliable Focusing
Bild: Edmund Optics GmbH
9:15 AM (CET)
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
The first day of the inVISION Days Conference will give an overview of current applications and new technologies will be presented at the three sessions Cameras, Optics & Filters and High-Speed Vision. The free online conference on this day will be completed by a keynote speech, a panel discussion and the EMVA Pitches, where up to six start-up companies will present their innovations.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
Session 1: Cameras & Software
To be announced...
Session 2: Optics & Filters
To be announced...
Session 3: High-Speed Vision
To be announced...
Mirko Benz, Baumer Optronic GmbH Status of GigE Vision over RDMA
Mirko Benz, Baumer Optronic GmbH Status of GigE Vision over RDMA
John Ilett, Emergent Vision Technologies Inc Cameras in AI and Machine Learning applications.
John Ilett, Emergent Vision Technologies Inc Cameras in AI and Machine Learning applications.
Paulo Possa, Euresys Supporting 12.5 GB/s of camera bandwidth and 2.5x more than
Paulo Possa, Euresys Supporting 12.5 GB/s of camera bandwidth and 2.5x more than
Jörg Brinkemper, KEBA Industrial Automation GmbH Energieeffiziente und herstellerunabhängige DC-Smart Grids
Jörg Brinkemper, KEBA Industrial Automation GmbH Energieeffiziente und herstellerunabhängige DC-Smart Grids
Phoenix Contact
Rainer Durth, Phoenix Contact Das Industriegebäude G60 als Musterbeispiel für ein DC ...
Rainer Durth, Phoenix Contact Das Industriegebäude G60 als Musterbeispiel für ein DC ...
VMT Vision Machine Bildverarbeitungstechnik GmbH
Lukas Neumann, VMT Vision Solution Excellence in Battery Manufacturing
Lukas Neumann, VMT Vision Solution Excellence in Battery Manufacturing
Pete Sopcik, Cognex Challenges, impacts and opportunities of surface inspection
Pete Sopcik, Cognex Challenges, impacts and opportunities of surface inspection
Armin Jehle, AT Automation Technology GmbH High-Performance Sensors for E-Mobility
Armin Jehle, AT Automation Technology GmbH High-Performance Sensors for E-Mobility
Martin Bellingkrodt, Pilz GmbH & Co. KG Mit IO-Link Safety sicher ins Feld kommunizieren
Martin Bellingkrodt, Pilz GmbH & Co. KG Mit IO-Link Safety sicher ins Feld kommunizieren
In the Open Webinar World there are many features that make the experience with our webinars now even more comfortable. See for yourself what’s new here and take part in exciting topics from different areas.
Sai Seidel-Sridhavan, Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Die Erfolgsgeschichte von IO-Link
Sai Seidel-Sridhavan, Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Die Erfolgsgeschichte von IO-Link
René Lehn, Komax Group Teilautomatisierung in der Kabelkonfektionierung
René Lehn, Komax Group Teilautomatisierung in der Kabelkonfektionierung
Thomas Karow, Basler AG High-speed line scan cameras and FPGA programmable frame gra
Thomas Karow, Basler AG High-speed line scan cameras and FPGA programmable frame gra
Ingo Stahlkopf, Optris GmbH Infrared cameras for Line Scanner Applications instead of py
Ingo Stahlkopf, Optris GmbH Infrared cameras for Line Scanner Applications instead of py
Maximilian Klammer, Chromasens GmbH Inline Print Inspection & Color Controlwith Line Scan Camera
Maximilian Klammer, Chromasens GmbH Inline Print Inspection & Color Controlwith Line Scan Camera
John Ilett, Emergent Vision Technologies Inc 100GigE Line Scan Cameras for AI and Machine Learning
John Ilett, Emergent Vision Technologies Inc 100GigE Line Scan Cameras for AI and Machine Learning
Mathias Mantelli, Sereact Robotic programming with language as simple as ChatGPT
Mathias Mantelli, Sereact Robotic programming with language as simple as ChatGPT
Michael Suppa, Roboception Guideline how to select the right 3D robot vision solution
Michael Suppa, Roboception Guideline how to select the right 3D robot vision solution
IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
Adrian Mayer, IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH 2D, 3D & streaming cameras for robotics applications
Adrian Mayer, IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH 2D, 3D & streaming cameras for robotics applications