inVISION Days Day 3: World of 3D
09:15Uhr (MEZ)
Machine vision is becoming increasingly three-dimensional. The new possibilities this opens up for users will be shown in numerous presentations on robot vision, bin picking and profile sensors on the third day of the inVISION Days Conference. A panel of experts will also discuss the question of whether and when 'machine vision will become an integral part of robotics'.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert
Companies: Automation Technologies, Wenglor, Vision Components, LMI Technologies
Session 9: Profile Sensors
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Welcome to Day 3
Keynote: 3D Computer Vision for Dynamic Scene Understanding
Panel Discussion: Machine Vision as an Integral Part of Robotics?
SESSION 7 Robot Vision
How to Build Affordable Depth Perception for Robotic Guidance
Random Picking of Unknown Objects with Deep Learning & 3D Vision
Increase your efficiency in robotics & automation with ToF cameras
3D vision for automated wall production of prefabricated houses
SESSION 8 Bin Picking
Deep-Learning-Based Bin-Picking for Warehousing
The Painful but Necessary Journey to an Industrial Grade 3D Camera
3D Vision Solutions for a 3D World
Object Recognition for Bin Picking with 3D Cameras
SESSION 9 Profile Sensors
Custom Imager + Fast FPGA = Galactical WARP Speed for 3D
Profile Sensors – Multitude of Technology Features
Low-cost OEM Laser Profiler with Onboard 3D Processing
Inline Inspection Systems with Smart 3D Multi-Sensor Networking
EMVA Vision Pitches
EMVA Vision Pitches – Part 5 + 6
Thumbnails der inVISION days: ©sanee/